Wednesday, November 19, 2014

youtube video

You tube video

My book is mainly about woman and how they have been cooking for so long.
So, I got an interesting video, a woman cooking delicous food with butter !

Hope you can enjoy seeing her cook!
Food looks very good and makes you want to cook, too!
I want to eat butter~

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Hi!! It's getting colder day by day:(
I really feel that winter is coming soon!

And today, I want to introduce you about the popular blog written by a girl!
I hope you'll also have a look at it when you have time!

About NeverSeconds

★What do you think of Martha Payne and what she accomplished?
I think that it is a great achievement for a young girl and I'm very surprised!!
Very interesting that she focused on school lunch. By looking at her blog pictures, I can see that there are various school lunch. I was very happy to see many Japanese lunch in her blog. Her blog is read by so many people all over the world and I would also be happy if people reading them becomes interested in Japanese school lunch, or even just know about how it is. Actually, school lunch differes between countries and I was also astonished!

★What are your memories of your school lunches?
I used to have school lunch when I was in elementary school and junior high school. I didn't like school lunch because we have to eat everything that is served, even meals that we don't  like. When I was young, I used to have many things I didn't like for example, the greasy part of meat and eggplant and more. School meals are thought of nutrition and has to be healthy, therefore there are many kinds of food in them.

★Did you feel that you had any input on the nature or quality of your school lunches? 
I think there were input from local foods made near our school. This was done in our school because eating food that were made near are fresh and there are no need to use much pesticides which makes it healthier than food made far away like abroad. 

★What do you think of the dining facilities at AGU and how do you think they can be improved?
I think they're fine. Especially, I like the idea of making menus with lots of vegetables. Of course there are menus using lots of meat and calories, but because we could choose what to eat, I think there aren't any problems.

★What creative way(s) do you think we (individually or as AGU students) can help others in the world less fortunate than us...especially in connection to food?
I think the problem in the world is that some people don't get the chance to have enough food and get nutritioins from them. To improve their eating, we should be careful about wasting food. I think many people had the experience to buy too much food and throw them away, sometimes without eating or even opening the package. If we save food, I believe there are enough food for everyone in the world.
Other problems, I think there are countries that are not eating healthy, having chances. To those countries, I would somehow like to make them know how eating vegetables are important to the health and urge them to try eating that way.